Stewardship of historic architecture
Our country is rich in amazing, historic architecture. It represents the best of all of us working toward a future that is even better. Our iconic structures are touchstones for all generations. It is imperative that each generation takes its stewardship role seriously and makes efforts to maintain these treasures for future generations.

The art of renovations
At LEO A DALY we use a wide variety of reality capture and visualization tools in our toolbox. This aims to broaden the toolboxes of today and encourage artfully challenging ...

“Architectural triumph” at GW’s Corcoran School of the Arts & Design
In The Chronicle of Higher Education, Tim Duffy and Jess Kim discuss LEO A DALY’s complex renovation of a beloved Washington, D.C. landmark ...

LEO A DALY aids in rescuing a Miami architectural masterpiece
The David W. Dyer Federal Building and U. S. Courthouse is considered Miami’s greatest Neoclassical structure. After a renovation designed by LEO A DALY, the formerly vacant structure will become ...
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