College of Arts and Sciences Building – Academic Building 7
The four-story, 62,000 SF College of Arts and Sciences Building (Academic Building 7) houses classrooms and laboratories serving a variety of science and math programs. The building offers SCALE UP labs for physics, biology, chemistry, marine systems, as well as math labs, organic chemistry, research labs and a GIS computer lab. Specialized labs include cell culture labs, histology labs, DNA lab and two BSL3 Suites. The facility also has offices, conference rooms, and a 160-seat lecture hall.
The building achieved LEED Platinum certification and includes electronic environment control systems that measure indoor humidity levels and automatically adjust air conditioning systems, high efficiency lighting, windows and insulation, recycled construction waste, high performance reflective metal roofing and shade overhangs, and drought resistant, native landscaping.
Florida Gulf Coast University
At a glance
62,000 SF
Research laboratories
GIS computer laboratory
DNA laboratory
2 BSL3 suites
160-seat lecture hall
LEED platinum certification
SCALE UP labs for physics, biology, chemistry, and marine systems
Architectural design