Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Forensics and Technology Facility

West Palm Beach, Florida

LEO A DALY’s design relocates the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Property & Evidence (P&E) and Forensics Sciences divisions into a new, multi-story facility. The greenfield site and building is planned according to lean work-flow strategy, optimizing flow of work by aligning key adjacencies and support functions.

The Forensics Division occupies the second floor, providing critical labs for chemistry, toxicology, data, finger prints and firearms/ballistics. LEO A DALY’s design ensures proper flow through labs and lean philosophies for the identification of support spaces, central storage, dedicated and secured ancillary spaces. A ballistics watertank and single-lane firing range round out the lab spaces. Dedicated training rooms, QA/QC offices, administration and break and conferencing spaces serve the Division.

The P&E spaces consist of officer intake and packaging areas, secure processing and storage. The processing and evidence warehouse includes bulk central storage areas, as well as dedicated currency, jewelry, fire arms, narcotics vaults, flammables vaults, secure sally ports and destruction areas. Separate secured entry points for property pick up and legal and evidence viewings are aligned to eliminate potential cross conflict, visible vulnerability or security concerns. Additionally, the project includes new impound facilities (surface and structured) for 400-500 vehicles for forfeited, investigative vehicles, homicide and processing.


Palm Beach County

At a glance

New, multi-story facility for sheriff’s department property, evidence and forensic sciences divisions


Chemistry, toxicology, finger print and firearms/ballistics labs

Dedicated training and conference spaces

Processing and evidence storage warehouse


